Mikvah – Rotem

Located near Avel Mehola, an ancient city frequently mentioned in the Bible. It is best known for being the birthplace and residence of the prophet Elisha. It is located near the Jordan River, south of the town of Beit-She’an. Rotem is an ecological settlement established in 1984. Despite the “challenges” that accompany life in the Valley, the local residents manage to develop eco-friendly environment and lead a unique community lifestyle. About 55 families live in the settlement.

In many communities, the construction of mikvaot (ritual baths) has been halted due to budgetary constraints. The Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust has undertaken to complete these projects by mobilizing additional funding sources. The completion of construction has enhanced the well-being of the residents of these communities, enabling them to go to the Mikva locally, without the need to travel at night on security-compromised roads.


Jordan Valley R.C

Completed in​​​


Total budget​​​


Additional Projects