Mikvah for men – Mahane Gadi
A place where the Israelites
Mahane Gadi was established in 2017 in Nahal Tirza in the Jordan Valley, at the place from where our ancestors entered the Land of Israel.
The town was built on an abandoned military camp that was previously used by the Jordanian army and later by the IDF as a headquarters and base. After the place was abandoned, the Bedouins in the area took it over.
Later on, and with quite a few difficulties a strong and healthy community began to grow and blossom in the wilderness.
As of 2015 the community grew to about 29 families and in the summer of 2023 7 more families are planning to make Mahane Gadi their home.
In many communities, the construction of mikvaot (ritual baths) has been halted due to budgetary constraints. The Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust has undertaken to complete these projects by mobilizing additional funding sources. The completion of construction has enhanced the well-being of the residents of these communities, enabling them to go to the Mikva locally.
Jordan Valley R.C
Completed in
Total budget