Mikvah – Adorah

The community of Adora is located about 20 minutes east of Kiryat Gat, and it belongs to the Mount Hebron Regional Council. The town was established in 1982 by a Nahal Brigade and was populated in 1984. it is named after the biblical town of “Adorim”. Within the town’s boundaries lives a mixed community of secular and religious people, living together in peace and a warm communal spirit. About 100 families live in the Adurah.

In many communities, the construction of mikvaot (ritual baths) has been halted due to budgetary constraints. The Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust has undertaken to complete these projects by mobilizing additional funding sources. The completion of construction has enhanced the well-being of the residents of these communities, enabling them to go to the Mikva locally, without the need to travel at night on security-compromised roads.


Har Hevron R.C

Completed in​​


Total budget​​


Additional Projects