Mikvah Kedem Arava
A place where the Israelites crossed the Jordan to enter the Land of Israel, Kedem Arava is a mixed community established in 2017 and located near Beit Arava, north of the Dead Sea. The location of the town is important and strategic because on the eastern side, between Jordan and Jericho- along the Jordan Valley, there are very few Jewish town.
As of May 2023, there are approximately 52 families living in Keden Arava.
In many communities, the construction of mikvaot (ritual baths) has been halted due to budgetary constraints. The Shivat Zion Israeli Charity Trust has undertaken to complete these projects by mobilizing additional funding sources. The completion of construction has enhanced the well-being of the residents of these communities, enabling them to go to the Mikva locally, without the need to travel at night on security-compromised roads.
Megilot R.C
Completed in
Total budget